In this multidimensional wide ranging episode Susana and Pam chat with Christian Pankhurst founder of the Heart IQ™ Method, on everything from life and death to every facet in between. Christian shares the benefits of the Heart IQ™ Method and a synergetic community in facing fear and uncertainty and his vision for the future. The conversation jumps time lines into multi galactic downloads and extraterrestrial experiences. We quantum leap into dysfunctional actions and the prison community and how a different approach could transform the whole world.
About Christian Pankhurst

Christian Pankhurst is a world-leading authority on heart-centered communication and heart intelligent relationships. He is the creator of the Heart IQ™ Method, and author of "Insights to Intimacy, Why Relationships Fail & How to Make Them Work".
Christian has worked closely with many world-leading experts in the field of personal transformation. In the Heart IQ Method he has integrated practices from natural healing, spiritual teachings, therapeutic psychology, dance, martial arts, embodiment practices, circling and healing arts disciplines. This grand synthesis provides students with a deep understanding of the human condition and gives them the essential tools they need to help individuals and couples both heal and awaken.
Episode Links
- Christians website
Christians tribe
- Christian on Facebook
- Christians book Insights to Intimacy
- Peter Sages book The Inside Track
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