In this ocean going episode we chat with Leanne of yoga4yachties. Leanne and her husband have spent the last 12 years living on a yacht and travelling the world. Leanne shares how yoga became a large and vital part of their lives. We chat about the joys and challenges of living on board a yacht.
About Leanne Hembrow

Hi I’m Leanne,
I am the founder/creator of Yoga4Yachties ™, Namaste Ocean Yoga™ and Yoga Sail Wellness Mentor.
I have been sailing ports of the world for over ten years and practicing Yoga on board our vessels for the duration. Encouraging others to do so also - to create agility and clear minds whilst cruising. I created a business within our lifestyle accidentally as my passions, Sailing and Yoga collided, I support and compliment my husband John's creation the "Down Under Rally."
Episode Links
- Subscribed Sail Wellness Offer
21 days of recorded practices targeting
+ 2 Online Live Classes per month. Discounted Yoga, Workshops, Yoga Clothing and Events + Let's Talk Food targeting Gut Health.
- Down Under Rally
Dreaming of living our way of Life
Offshore Cruising Preparation Course - Namaste ocean yoga website

Learn more about us and what we do
- Read more about your hosts here
- Oliver & Susanas mentoring programs
- Pam the Health Genie
- Oliver and Susanas travel blog
- Jon the Magic Musician