067 Read Signs, Symbols and Synchronicity

How to interpret and Read Signs, Symbols and Synchronicity for more joy and wonderment. Susana is in her element as we dive into numerology, totems, animal totems and divine guidance. We share about how we all follow the signs and what they can lead to, or not if you don’t listen. Pam regularly gets stalked […]
033 What the bleep are Multi-dimensional realities?

What the bleep are Multi-dimensional realities and how can you navigate them? We quantum leap and lead into different dimensions and explore 3D, 5D, 7D and the different grids and their characteristics. We look at what it is to be human in all of this and how to shift dimensions with all the paradoxes of […]
027 Follow the Breadcrumbs to joy and happiness

Today Susana, Oliver and Pam turn into mice as we play with the concept of following the breadcrumbs and the effect on our lives and how it increases joy and happiness. We look at what happens when we choose control and are stopped by mistakes and failure, or stay in our comfort zone rather than […]
021 Vision for the Future

In this utopic episode we plunge into the future and how we would like to see the world develop. We discuss this time as being an opportunity to find out what you envision as your future. We question black and white thinking, the lack mentality, conspiracy theory and inequality across the world. We explore how […]
015 Different Shades of Dark

In this dark episode we cheerfully share about the different types of darkness. Why people fear the dark and resist it and miss out on lots of the gifts and powers within themselves if they don’t release their shadows. We dare to go into the darkest of the dark used by the likes of Kabal […]