140 Awaken to the 5th Dimension and how to stay there w. Jen McCarty
Awaken to the 5th Dimension and how to stay there. Signs and Tools to Awaken to who you Really Are with Jen McCarty, a leading luminary in the ascension and twin flame community. Jen shares her kundalini experience, the mass awakening to the messy 4th dimension and how to shift into the blissful 5th of […]
137 Multidimensional History with Slices of bread w. Lori Spagna
Lori Ann Spagna a Spiritual Catalyst, Ascension Guide, Multi-Dimensional Channel and Animal Communicator slices a loaf of bread into Multidimensional History. We go wide and deep into our present realities, negative aliens, benevolent beings and why we need to face the dark. Lori explains the roles of animals and their service to us. How can […]