077 Trust and Jealousy

In today’s Live the Impossible Show we slide down the slippery slope of distrust and jealousy and how it affects all our relationships, communication and why it always points back to ourselves. We share some of our heart break and jealousy stories and what we learnt from them. What are the reasons we are jealous […]
065 Honour Personal Space

How to honour personal space and the challenges of social distancing. We get close and personal about the joys and challenges of living and working together. We chat about the importance of personal space and ‘me-time’ and the health and relationship benefits. We also bring up the many layers, issues and challenges of social distancing […]
063 Honour the Cultural Differences

How to honour cultural differences and the importance of communication. As we are 3 cultures who navigate the joys of working together we dive into the pitfalls, the possible cultural clashes and misunderstandings that arise. How do we honour the cultural space so we can have peace on earth. And oh – what is ‘Fika’? […]