140 Awaken to the 5th Dimension and how to stay there w. Jen McCarty
Awaken to the 5th Dimension and how to stay there. Signs and Tools to Awaken to who you Really Are with Jen McCarty, a leading luminary in the ascension and twin flame community. Jen shares her kundalini experience, the mass awakening to the messy 4th dimension and how to shift into the blissful 5th of […]
139 History Hijacks & Deceptions w. Wholyland Council
Wholyland Council dive into history hijacks & deceptions that comes to the surface at this time. We look at how naturalness is wronged so the artificial can take over. We ask the questions; How do the wounded masculine and feminine play out? How have we been played throughout history? How is Egypt connected to the […]
138 The Downer of High Rises w. Liz Bull
The Downer of High rises in the masculine world and the rise of the feminine with Life Mastery Consultant, Master Bio-Energy Healer and former lighting designer Liz Bull. We go to Las Vegas, China and follow the money through some rabbit holes of distraction, disconnection and disease of mind, thoughts and past life trauma. What […]
137 Multidimensional History with Slices of bread w. Lori Spagna
Lori Ann Spagna a Spiritual Catalyst, Ascension Guide, Multi-Dimensional Channel and Animal Communicator slices a loaf of bread into Multidimensional History. We go wide and deep into our present realities, negative aliens, benevolent beings and why we need to face the dark. Lori explains the roles of animals and their service to us. How can […]
136 Speak up Genuinely in Public w. Victoria Lioznyansky
Victoria Lioznyansky founder of Brilliant Speakers Academy® shares on how to Speak up Genuinely in Public. We speak about fears, shadows and false persona’s of public speaking. We chat about public speaking in the past and how and what has changed today. Victoria shares tips and tricks on good practice for public speaking. How do […]
135 You, the Galactic Federation and NO Fear w. Elizabeth April
The un-labelable Elizabeth April who intuitively channels the Galactic Federation, helps us innerstand the past, present and future. We chat about the collapse of timelines, karma and dream states. She shares how to dismantle fear, handle money and 3D energies. What can we expect in 2021? How are we affected by Atlantis and Lemuria today? How can we […]
134 Where did the goddesses go? w. Halle Eavelyn
Where did the goddesses go? Author, global Spiritual tour leader and business strategist Halle Eavelyn passionately shares her insights of the rise of the feminine. We chat about the suppressed feminine today and in history, the patriarchic world and why geological evidence is discounted to fit the historical narrative. How can we use the masculine […]
133 Alien Love Bite and/or Energy Vampire? w. Eve Lorgen
Eve Lorgen, author, hypnotherapist and anomalous trauma researcher, reveals experiences and signs of Alien Love Bites, Energy Vampires and narcissistic abuse. We chat about abductions, implants, alien technology, dream spells, twin flames, love obsessions and entanglements from other dimensions. What are the signs of being bitten, used or harvested? What can you do about it? […]