167 Pleiadian Revelations & The Ninth Dimensional Future w. Barbara Hand Clow

Barbara Hand Clow, author, teacher and Mayan calendar researcher shares about the Pleiadian Revelations & The Ninth Dimensional Future. We chat about alien connections of the past, the three major astrological alignments of 2021 and what is important for the future. What are the Pleiadians telling us? What are the Cherokee prophecies? What is our […]
163 Steps to Wholistic Solvent Sovereignty w. kenneth scott

Practical Steps to Wholistic Solvent Sovereignty with kenneth scott (AKA Ken Cousens) Co founder of PanTerra D’Oro Private Society and Private Contract Association. Ken describes common law and its history, canon law, ecclesiastic law, commercial law, martial law and different jurisdictions. He walks us through the history of the money system, the importance of solvency […]
145 Joyfully Dance in the Storm of Deception w. Darius Barazandeh

Joyfully Dance in the Storm of Deception with Darius Barazandeh ex lawyer and founder of You Wealth Revolution, the world largest online energy healing and transformational event. Darius shares his story of a near death experience where he accessed a field of bliss that altered the course of his life. We chat about the possible […]
132 How to Stay Resilient in the Chaos of 2021 w. Wholyland Council

The Wholyland Council shares their experience and beliefs around How to Stay Resilient in Times of Chaos. We chat about global inconsistencies in rules and regulations, the lack of common sense and the illusion that we believe the authorities has any power over us. How can we stand our ground as living beings when confronted […]
115 Fear or Freedom w. Wholyland Council

We round up the theme of Freedom with practical steps from the Wholyland Council with a beautiful sound healing meditation and what we each do to overcome fear and step into our freedom. How do you embrace change and the breaking down of structures that you thought were there to support you, but no longer […]
114 Beat the System on its Own Terms w. Cal Washington

From construction worker and a divorce to learning about sovereignty, freedom, law, corporations and beating the system on its own terms Cal Washington is changing the world for the better. He has learnt the rules of the system and is playing them better than they are. Cal shares his amazing story and gives tips on […]
109 Angels and Demons – the many ways we are being Censored w. Michael Oddane

Angels and Demons are all around us and more visible now than ever. With Michael Oddane from Wake Up Globe we dive deep into the spiritual and more wholistic aspects of the present chaos. We go from dark to light, aliens to the mundane and the distant past to the future. Michael shares his personal […]
108 We already made it. Whats next? w. Lorie Ladd

Ascension teacher and multidimensional channel Lorie Ladd, shares the powerful message: We already made the big shift. Now the questions are: Why don’t we see it? Why is the world in extremes? Where are we heading? How will the new be embodied? Close your eyes and tune in to receive the energetic transmissions and transformations […]
107 How to Stand Beyond the State for 13+ years? w. “Private Per”

Our undercover guest ‘Per’, has been on the Sovereign journey for 13+ years. Here, for the first time ‘Per’ agrees to share his experiences publicly on the condition of anonymity. Get his tips and tricks on how to lawfully deal with the state, doctors, police, court systems, the tax man and ALL the letters in […]
104 Freedom Calls! Are You Answering? w. :Anjaliva.©, :Poul: Thomsen.© & :Henrik-Kromann.©

We open the doors to our FREEDOM theme with first hand knowledge of breaking free from the state slave systems with former Navy Officer :Anjaliva., former Army Major :Poul. & former software engineer :Henrik., who all are National Sovereign Living Beings. We get practical information and knowledge from their experiences and how we can start […]