058 Create Empowerment in Boardroom and Bedroom w. Anne Bland

Enjoy Anne Blands intimate story of becoming selflessly happy through sexual satisfaction and seasoning her life. Oliver and Susana chat with Anne about living from our passions and unique genius, living green and sustainable, connected and follow the cycles of nature in our everyday life. Anne share about her life journey as a politician, burn-out […]
027 Follow the Breadcrumbs to joy and happiness

Today Susana, Oliver and Pam turn into mice as we play with the concept of following the breadcrumbs and the effect on our lives and how it increases joy and happiness. We look at what happens when we choose control and are stopped by mistakes and failure, or stay in our comfort zone rather than […]
004 What is a Unique Genius?

Today Oliver, Susana and Pam chat about the meaning of genius and being unique. We explore how we all have potential and superpowers and how through curiosity, passion and creativity we can unleash our genius’s within. Continue Reading
Bloopers for teasers

Laugher can extend your life and health. So here you have our permission to laugh with us when we tried to record a short teaser…Enjoy on our behalf! 😉 Continue Reading
002 What is Live the Impossible?

In this episode Oliver, Susana and Pam reveal what living the impossible means to them. They chat about what they see is the potential for humanity, personal transformation and empowerment, so everyone and everything can thrive and lead their dream life. Continue Reading