031 Body image & Identity

Who are we? Who am I? Who are you? So much of who we are is tied up in how we look and the labels we put on ourselves and others. Why is this? We chat about the importance we give to hair and the different shades of looking good. We reflect on where our […]
020 A Multidimensional Reality for a better Future w. Christian Pankhurst

In this multidimensional wide ranging episode Susana and Pam chat with Christian Pankhurst founder of the Heart IQ™ Method, on everything from life and death to every facet in between. Christian shares the benefits of the Heart IQ™ Method and a synergetic community in facing fear and uncertainty and his vision for the future. The […]

Pam, Oliver and Susana go down the rabbit hole into what freedom means for each of us and how our personal freedom is being effected by the current lockdowns and the fears around Corona virus that are leading to hasty laws around vaccination and freedom of speech. We speak on how we feel free within […]