051 Challenges and Benefits of an Online Business

With 30 years of experience between us of working online we know the challenges and benefits of bringing business online.  We honestly share our frustrations about the myths of how easy it is to get a multi million dollar business quickly and effortlessly. We also explore the potential and possibilities in different areas including writing, […]

008 How to feel good during Corona virus Lockdown w. Wiz

oo8 wiz

Wiz (Richard) the Minister for Inspiration enthusiastically shares about his story from millionaire to suicidal and his radical shift into happiness. In these times of Corona Virus lockdown many feel fear of  the Covid-19. Wiz talks about how to move out of fear, make conscious choices and his keys to happiness. His passion shines through […]

007 Intuition – What it is & how to use it

intuition episode 7

In this episode Pam and Oliver dive deep into the topic of intuition.  What is its definition and what intuition means to us as individuals. We share our tips and tricks on how we connect with our intuition. Continue Reading

006 Success through Inner Business w. Linda Bjork

006 Linda Bjork thumbnail

Linda shares her views on impossible which she spells as “I’m possible” 
We dive deep into intuition and to how we connect with it, including focusing on the why rather than the how!   
Linda talks on the concept of how the combination of mindfulness and inner business are essential for true success.
 We also […]