163 Steps to Wholistic Solvent Sovereignty w. kenneth scott

Practical Steps to Wholistic Solvent Sovereignty with kenneth scott (AKA Ken Cousens) Co founder of PanTerra D’Oro Private Society and Private Contract Association. Ken describes common law and its history, canon law, ecclesiastic law, commercial law, martial law and different jurisdictions. He walks us through the history of the money system, the importance of solvency […]
160 The Esoteric Approach to Exit the Matrix w. kenneth scott

The Esoteric Approach to Exit the Matrix with Kenneth Scott (AKA Ken Cousens) co-founder of PanTerra D’Oro. A Private Society and Private Contract Association. A deep and meaningful conversation into the various types of laws, tricks and traps of the mainstream approach to sovereignty. He describes the parasitic nature and mirroring of the controlling part […]