048 Courage to be Creative w. Arsenio Siani

In this artistic episode, Oliver and Susana chat with Arsenio – author of 11 books over the past 6 years, with more to come. He shares his creative process of going within, deep listening, and about the courage to dream your life into manifestation. We discussed the difficulties of the lockdown in Italy due to […]
034 Corona Virus Immune Boost Tips w. Pam Sherman

In this episode Pam and Susana chat with Pam Sherman the Perfect Balance Guru on the importance of self care, exercise, eating nutritious living food and good fats. These all essentials at any time to boost your immune system and optimise health, but particularly important right now as we experience Covid-19. We also share tips […]

Pam, Oliver and Susana go down the rabbit hole into what freedom means for each of us and how our personal freedom is being effected by the current lockdowns and the fears around Corona virus that are leading to hasty laws around vaccination and freedom of speech. We speak on how we feel free within […]
017 Transform your Fears

In this deep dive into fear and addressing the elephant in the room your hosts Oliver, Pam and Susana share their views on fear and how to transform it. We look at different types of fear, stress and the nervous system and how it effects our health and wellbeing. In these times of the Covid-19 […]
015 Different Shades of Dark

In this dark episode we cheerfully share about the different types of darkness. Why people fear the dark and resist it and miss out on lots of the gifts and powers within themselves if they don’t release their shadows. We dare to go into the darkest of the dark used by the likes of Kabal […]
003 Covid-19 – The Storm of the New Beginning

As we co-create this podcast the world around us has changed in ways everyone thought was impossible. It feels like we are living in a movie as people are forced to work from home and civil liberties are restricted and financial freedom seems distant. Corona virus and lockdown affects us all. In this show Pam […]