093 Capture the Essence of Creativity

We dive not so deep into how we are all creative and what it means to each one of us, from cooking and not following recipes to photography, shell collecting and different types of art. This podcast itself is creation in process and we feel this is part of its success. What are you going […]
090 A Feminine Way to Co-create a book w. Ulrika Karlsson

On Live the Impossible Show Tora becomes a guest together with Ullis Karlsson her co-author in the new book Holy F*ck and Sacred Water. They chat about the feminine way to cocreate a book and the benefits of collaborating for the creative process and personal transformation and how the book would have been very different […]
089 Let the Music Play You w. Seram Saks

Seram Saks takes us on a journey through the wilderness of excuses of why we never get creative. Learn how to see through your own bypassing and hear how we are standing on the edge of a silent revolution around letting out your inner artist. Seram shares how he has stopped his excuses and started […]
066 Synchronicity and Flow w. Marie Ruzicka

Sometimes Synchronicity and flow comes as a flight down a staircase and a blow as Marie Ruzicka Creatrix of “Magickal Land of [Awe]some” and GeniusU Flow Consultant discovered a few years ago. In this meandering chat we go with the flow of discovering your genius and the magic that arises when you allow it. Hear […]