119 Track the truth to Freedom of deep state Sweden w. Conny Andersson

Track the truth of deep state Sweden with Conny Andersson former policeman and whistleblower. We track the connections between Tora and Conny as they discover their shared Swedish royal ancestry, the Swedish neutrality and deep state. What is the truth on the sinking of the Estonia? How is Sweden the centre of the deep state? […]

108 We already made it. Whats next? w. Lorie Ladd

Ascension teacher and multidimensional channel Lorie Ladd, shares the powerful message: We already made the big shift. Now the questions are: Why don’t we see it? Why is the world in extremes? Where are we heading? How will the new be embodied? Close your eyes and tune in to receive the energetic transmissions and transformations […]

049 Healing Past Life Traumas

We go backwards into the past, the far distant past to change our future. Yes time travel is possible! Oliver shares an experience of a past life he had after talking with our previous guest Arsenio Siani. Pam and Susana get caught up in the semantics of how to release old trauma from ancestry and […]

047 Sh*t load of Gut Feeling

When your gut feels like shit listen to this.  We deep dive into the shit of not having a healthy gut and being unable to read the intuitive signals from you gut brain. What is the gut brain and how does it work? What can we do to keep it healthy and stay connected to […]

039 Get Fired Up about Water

fired up about water

Today we get fired up about water as we dive into pollution and information overload and why humanity is so f*cked up inside and out and what we can do about it. We chat about the importance of passion – Do you know what you want? We are not talking about the Ferrari or Jimmy […]


episode 19 freedom

Pam, Oliver and Susana go down the rabbit hole into what freedom means for each of us and how our personal freedom is being effected by the current lockdowns and the fears around Corona virus that are leading to hasty laws around vaccination and freedom of speech. 
We speak on how we feel free within […]

007 Intuition – What it is & how to use it

intuition episode 7

In this episode Pam and Oliver dive deep into the topic of intuition.  What is its definition and what intuition means to us as individuals. We share our tips and tricks on how we connect with our intuition. Continue Reading

006 Success through Inner Business w. Linda Bjork

006 Linda Bjork thumbnail

Linda shares her views on impossible which she spells as “I’m possible” 
We dive deep into intuition and to how we connect with it, including focusing on the why rather than the how!   
Linda talks on the concept of how the combination of mindfulness and inner business are essential for true success.
 We also […]