171 The Biggest Mind Control of WWII unravelled w. William Toel

The Biggest Mind Control of WWII unravelled by William Toel a speaker and author with experitize in politics, economics and a positive vision for Germany. William shares the unknown story of part of Bletchley Park a top secret intelligence unit in the UK during WWII aimed at destroying the German psyche forever. He is making […]
169 Illuminati whistle blower Leo Lyon Zagami

Leo Lyon Zagami, writer, researcher and Illuminati whistle blower shares about his illustrious connections to European Royalty. What he learnt as a Free mason and in other secret societies and the price he has paid for spilling the beans. He talks about the loss of a friend in the Norwegian Freedom Movement who died under […]
148 Jump on the train to Honolulu Baby! w. Ole Dammegård

Ole Dammegård Truth Seeker, Code Breaker and Peacemaker inspires us to jump on the train to Honolulu Baby! Ole shares his experience of the feminine/masculine during childhood and beyond and how the transgender agenda screws things up even more. We chat about looking on the bright side of life despite and because of the One […]