058 Create Empowerment in Boardroom and Bedroom w. Anne Bland

Enjoy Anne Blands intimate story of becoming selflessly happy through sexual satisfaction and seasoning her life. Oliver and Susana chat with Anne about living from our passions and unique genius, living green and sustainable, connected and follow the cycles of nature in our everyday life. Anne share about her life journey as a politician, burn-out […]
049 Healing Past Life Traumas

We go backwards into the past, the far distant past to change our future. Yes time travel is possible! Oliver shares an experience of a past life he had after talking with our previous guest Arsenio Siani. Pam and Susana get caught up in the semantics of how to release old trauma from ancestry and […]
032 Quantum leaps and superpowers w. Seram Saks

Seram Saks shares about his story of transformation. How he has allowed himself to move through a deep transformation and how he has arrived at a place where the linearity of creation as most people know it today, has transformed into instant manifestations of superpowers for him. How can you dare to trust and relax […]