167 Pleiadian Revelations & The Ninth Dimensional Future w. Barbara Hand Clow

Barbara Hand Clow, author, teacher and Mayan calendar researcher shares about the Pleiadian Revelations & The Ninth Dimensional Future. We chat about alien connections of the past, the three major astrological alignments of 2021 and what is important for the future. What are the Pleiadians telling us? What are the Cherokee prophecies? What is our […]
165 Divine Conception of Mary and your own Dragons w. Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso Ph.D

Divine Conception of Mary and your own Dragons with Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso Ph.D founder of the Seven Sisters Mystery School and author of The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception: Mary and the Lineage of Virgin Births. She channels new information on Mother Mary, dragons, golden eggs and the importance of laughter. We chat about virgin […]
164 The Missing Links and Lands for our Survival w. Freddy Silva

Bring back The Missing Links and Lands for our Survival with Freddy Silva a leading researcher of ancient civilisations and sacred sites. We travel around the planet to explore the world of the giants, the links to the stars and the Anunnaki. Freddy shares some of the signs and astronomical facts that we are getting […]
139 History Hijacks & Deceptions w. Wholyland Council

Wholyland Council dive into history hijacks & deceptions that comes to the surface at this time. We look at how naturalness is wronged so the artificial can take over. We ask the questions; How do the wounded masculine and feminine play out? How have we been played throughout history? How is Egypt connected to the […]
102 Multidimensional Archaeology and the Human Spirit w. Karen Thornton

At Live the Impossible Show we are joined by multidimensional Archaeologist extraordinaire Karen Thornton author of She Walks: A Journey of the Human Spirit. We excavate into the power of the land, sacred sites and the ancient wisdom of humanity calling us into realignment for the new paradigm. Karen shares some of her stories of exploration […]
056 Southern France & The Sacred Prophecy w. Anaiya Sophia & Pete Wilson

Connect with the sacredness of Southern France – the land of Cathars, Mary Magdalene and Jesus and hear the disclosure of the prophecy for the new Earth from Anaiya Sophia and Pete Wilson. We chat about the disclosure of green energy agenda, lockdown gifts and challenges and possibilities for the future. We follow the synchronicity […]