085 Universal Love & Heart Orgasms

In today’s Live the Impossible Show – We lovingly wrap up this first theme around Sacred sexuality as we share our universal love and heart orgasms. What is it and why do we need it? We love to go deep into why unconditional love is so essential and how we can experience it. Why is […]
082 Make Love Great w. Dr Gayle Friend

We are joined by Dr. Gayle Friend an intimacy expert, author, speaker, and coach as we discover pleasure and intimacy and how to make love great. Gayle shares her intimate story about her failed marriage and what saved her second marriage and how they have kept it pleasurable and juicy. Get her best tips on […]
083 No Sex Sexuality w. Anaiya Sophia & Pete Wilson

We chat with Anaiya Sophia and Pete Wilson on: Is it possible to have no sex sexuality? They share openly on how their sexuality has changed over different stages of their lives and why. Together we dive into the new paradigms of sexuality and learning about love. We go to deep into the dark side […]