172 Boost your body, spirit and future w. Colleen Cackowski & Truth Calkins

Join Colleen Cackowski the raw food chef, Tonic Bar creator, who channels energy from source and Truth Calkins the Jing master, healer and expert on tonics and elixirs as we explore how to boost our body, spirit and future. We chat about how to clear the body of graphene oxide, nano particles, Morgellons and other toxins […]
095 Do you feel Connected?

Do you feel Connected, disconnected or just parts of you and your life? We dive deep into why many often feel disconnected in different aspects of their lives, what it means and what we can do about it. Tora shares a great tool of life intelligence to provide a framework of connection and looking at […]
094 Science of Self Healing w. Beate Heinkel

We are joined by Beate who shares her winding journey from western doctor to Chinese and Wholistic healing. We discuss science, its benefits and pitfalls and why we feel it needs to transcend to integrate and allow wholistic healing to be available to all. We look at the importance of touch and how vital it […]
085 Universal Love & Heart Orgasms

In today’s Live the Impossible Show – We lovingly wrap up this first theme around Sacred sexuality as we share our universal love and heart orgasms. What is it and why do we need it? We love to go deep into why unconditional love is so essential and how we can experience it. Why is […]
058 Create Empowerment in Boardroom and Bedroom w. Anne Bland

Enjoy Anne Blands intimate story of becoming selflessly happy through sexual satisfaction and seasoning her life. Oliver and Susana chat with Anne about living from our passions and unique genius, living green and sustainable, connected and follow the cycles of nature in our everyday life. Anne share about her life journey as a politician, burn-out […]
046 Healthy Inside Out w. Alison Stockton

Alison Stockton is a multi-passionate health and wellness advocate with a 20 some year career in helping women achieve ultimate health internally and externally. Susana and Oliver talks to her about living vibrantly and healthy. She shares her story and how she is living the impossible as well as the importance of a healthy gut. […]
039 Get Fired Up about Water

Today we get fired up about water as we dive into pollution and information overload and why humanity is so f*cked up inside and out and what we can do about it. We chat about the importance of passion – Do you know what you want? We are not talking about the Ferrari or Jimmy […]
033 What the bleep are Multi-dimensional realities?

What the bleep are Multi-dimensional realities and how can you navigate them? We quantum leap and lead into different dimensions and explore 3D, 5D, 7D and the different grids and their characteristics. We look at what it is to be human in all of this and how to shift dimensions with all the paradoxes of […]
031 Body image & Identity

Who are we? Who am I? Who are you? So much of who we are is tied up in how we look and the labels we put on ourselves and others. Why is this? We chat about the importance we give to hair and the different shades of looking good. We reflect on where our […]
016 Surrender into Life w. Kacper Maciej Postawski

We are diving deep with Kacper Maciej Postawski on how he has manifested and lived several dreams over the last few years. Kacpers story answers life changing questions such as: How can you experience your true self? How to release your ego? How can you surrender and let go? How to release trauma? He also […]