088 From opera diva to Sound Magician w. Sólrún Braga

At Live the Impossible Show we hear the healing songs and life story of how an opera diva transformed into a Sound Magician. We listen to Sólrún Bragas magical world travelling journey through the traditional opera houses, husbands and healing work and use of her voice to liberation, flow and creativity. We get a backstage […]
048 Courage to be Creative w. Arsenio Siani

In this artistic episode, Oliver and Susana chat with Arsenio – author of 11 books over the past 6 years, with more to come. He shares his creative process of going within, deep listening, and about the courage to dream your life into manifestation. We discussed the difficulties of the lockdown in Italy due to […]
038 The Power of Embodiment w. Ullis Karlsson

In this episode we dive deep into the power of embodiment and body intelligence. Ullis Karlsson shares her story of going from deep depression and anxiety into her awakening journey starting in a Swedish snowy forest. After discovering yoga she followed the breadcrumbs into developing her personal feminine yoga practice and courses as an entrepreneur. […]