054 Let your Heart lead you back into Alignment w. Suzie Cobden

Suzie Cobden shares her story of shifting from being an employee to following her hearts guidance into the unknown. Where did she find support and guidance? How can a Nanna like her, suddenly change into making a living online? We chat about how to befriend your mind and let your heart lead you back into […]
047 Sh*t load of Gut Feeling

When your gut feels like shit listen to this. We deep dive into the shit of not having a healthy gut and being unable to read the intuitive signals from you gut brain. What is the gut brain and how does it work? What can we do to keep it healthy and stay connected to […]
006 Success through Inner Business w. Linda Bjork

Linda shares her views on impossible which she spells as “I’m possible” We dive deep into intuition and to how we connect with it, including focusing on the why rather than the how! Linda talks on the concept of how the combination of mindfulness and inner business are essential for true success. We also […]