100 The Playground for the Future w. Beate Heinkel & Ulrika Karlsson

At Live the Impossible Show celebration time woo hoo as we celebrate our 100th episode with the announcement of how you can also be part of the co-creation of a new nation and a future we all long to see. We are joined by Beate and Ullis who co-create WHOLYLAND with us. The place to […]
037 Shadows of Self Love

Shadows of Self Love – how do we give and receive? We dive deep into the different layers of selfishness, self love, altruism, selflessness, gratitude and compliments. We discuss the different ways of giving and receiving from the the masculine and feminine. The subconscious programming of todays society and what we can do to rebalance […]
036 How to be Creative, Happy & Successful w. Jon Century

Our household Magical musician Jon Century shares how he materialised his childhood dream of being a musician in Hollywood, California. Jon, Oliver and Susana chat about how to be happy for no reason, living outside the box of so called normality and the different shades of success. We cover the need to step away from […]
034 Corona Virus Immune Boost Tips w. Pam Sherman

In this episode Pam and Susana chat with Pam Sherman the Perfect Balance Guru on the importance of self care, exercise, eating nutritious living food and good fats. These all essentials at any time to boost your immune system and optimise health, but particularly important right now as we experience Covid-19. We also share tips […]
033 What the bleep are Multi-dimensional realities?

What the bleep are Multi-dimensional realities and how can you navigate them? We quantum leap and lead into different dimensions and explore 3D, 5D, 7D and the different grids and their characteristics. We look at what it is to be human in all of this and how to shift dimensions with all the paradoxes of […]
032 Quantum leaps and superpowers w. Seram Saks

Seram Saks shares about his story of transformation. How he has allowed himself to move through a deep transformation and how he has arrived at a place where the linearity of creation as most people know it today, has transformed into instant manifestations of superpowers for him. How can you dare to trust and relax […]
031 Body image & Identity

Who are we? Who am I? Who are you? So much of who we are is tied up in how we look and the labels we put on ourselves and others. Why is this? We chat about the importance we give to hair and the different shades of looking good. We reflect on where our […]
024 Find ways to follow your dreams and passion w. Angelika Roberts

Actress and screen writer Angelika Roberts shares her story of moving from the glamour of Hollywood back to her roots as she followed her passion and heart. She describes what helps to keep her passions creativity and focus alive in harder times. Oliver and Sanna ask about her latest projects including her Greta’s B&B and […]
022 Free Living as a World schooling Digital Nomad w. Mille Sjøgren

Many people have been thrown into the world of home schooling by necessity rather than choice due to the Coronavirus. In this episode the digital nomad Mille shares her experiences and benefits of world schooling as her family travels the world with Susana and Oliver who also world school. We also chat about different ways […]
003 Covid-19 – The Storm of the New Beginning

As we co-create this podcast the world around us has changed in ways everyone thought was impossible. It feels like we are living in a movie as people are forced to work from home and civil liberties are restricted and financial freedom seems distant. Corona virus and lockdown affects us all. In this show Pam […]