157 Let the Mystery be Your Story w. Wholyland Council

The Wholyland Council shares how the Mystery became our story. How a simple idea which felt fun and right had a hidden mystery embedded, waiting to present itself. We celebrate the one year anniversary of this show. How can the mystery become your story? How can you attract it? What should you look out for? […]

139 History Hijacks & Deceptions w. Wholyland Council

wholyland council

Wholyland Council dive into history hijacks & deceptions that comes to the surface at this time. We look at how naturalness is wronged so the artificial can take over. We ask the questions; How do the wounded masculine and feminine play out? How have we been played throughout history? How is Egypt connected to the […]

130 New Human Relations w. Anneli Påmark & Carl Österberg

We chat with Anneli Påmark & Carl Österberg co founders of Human Awareness, about new ways of being and relating. We explore how things will change in the great awakening with awareness, honesty and love. We dive into love relations, its shadows and the importance of embodiment. How do we live the impossible? How do […]

118 Scientifically debunk masks, tests and jabs w. Dr Andrew Kaufman

Dr Andrew Kaufman blows the whistle and scientifically debunks masks, tests and jabs in this enlightening episode. He spells out in simple terms the tests and various study results and the implications. What do these tests really measure? Will the jabs be safe? Do masks protect? Get useful tips on how to keep relations harmonious […]

117 Back to Coherence w. Beate Heinkel

Why is it important to come into coherence, especially NOW? How can we use it? How do we get into coherence? We flow with the waves of birds in murmuration as we fly high with Beate Heinkel about coherence; heart coherence, the nervous system, natural phenomena, Schumann Resonance, electromagnetic fields and other gems to support […]

115 Fear or Freedom w. Wholyland Council

We round up the theme of Freedom with practical steps from the Wholyland Council with a beautiful sound healing meditation and what we each do to overcome fear and step into our freedom. How do you embrace change and the breaking down of structures that you thought were there to support you, but no longer […]

110 True meaning of Apocalypse w. Sema Simone

Apocalypse is it evil or is it “a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities”? As we go deep with Sema Simone the Black Sheep podcaster we look at our fears, inner programs and wounded masculine. How will we navigate if and when the apocalyptic plasma event occurs? We even attracted an […]

102 Multidimensional Archaeology and the Human Spirit w. Karen Thornton

At Live the Impossible Show we are joined by multidimensional Archaeologist extraordinaire Karen Thornton author of She Walks: A Journey of the Human Spirit. We excavate into the power of the land, sacred sites and the ancient wisdom of humanity calling us into realignment for the new paradigm. Karen shares some of her stories of exploration […]

100 The Playground for the Future w. Beate Heinkel & Ulrika Karlsson

At Live the Impossible Show celebration time woo hoo as we celebrate our 100th episode with the announcement of how you can also be part of the co-creation of a new nation and a future we all long to see. We are joined by Beate and Ullis who co-create WHOLYLAND with us. The place to […]