173 How Women Castrate Men and Hate it! w. Alison Armstrong

Alison Armstrong’s exploration of human behaviour began in 1991, with her decision to study men: ”To find out how I was bringing out the worst in them. And hopefully, how to bring out the best.” Her success in understanding men and women’s behaviour, hormones and making vital connections between the two. She is now a […]
172 Boost your body, spirit and future w. Colleen Cackowski & Truth Calkins

Join Colleen Cackowski the raw food chef, Tonic Bar creator, who channels energy from source and Truth Calkins the Jing master, healer and expert on tonics and elixirs as we explore how to boost our body, spirit and future. We chat about how to clear the body of graphene oxide, nano particles, Morgellons and other toxins […]
171 The Biggest Mind Control of WWII unravelled w. William Toel

The Biggest Mind Control of WWII unravelled by William Toel a speaker and author with experitize in politics, economics and a positive vision for Germany. William shares the unknown story of part of Bletchley Park a top secret intelligence unit in the UK during WWII aimed at destroying the German psyche forever. He is making […]
170 Magnetism, Shedding and Connection w. Dr. Christiane Northrup

Magnetism, Shedding and Connection with Christiane Northrup M.D a pioneer in women’s health and anti vaccine advocate. We chat about the strange goings on with the graphite particles in all things Covid. The great work some of her colleagues are doing to bring awareness of the true science. Is it dangerous to be around those […]
169 Illuminati whistle blower Leo Lyon Zagami

Leo Lyon Zagami, writer, researcher and Illuminati whistle blower shares about his illustrious connections to European Royalty. What he learnt as a Free mason and in other secret societies and the price he has paid for spilling the beans. He talks about the loss of a friend in the Norwegian Freedom Movement who died under […]
168 Is a World Passport Right for You? w. David Gallup

Is a World Passport Right for You? David Gallup a specialist in human rights, world citizenship, world law education and President of the World Service Authority. David shares how the world passport came to be and the incredible vision of Garry Davis to have a world of peace, equality and freedom of movement. How can we […]
167 Pleiadian Revelations & The Ninth Dimensional Future w. Barbara Hand Clow

Barbara Hand Clow, author, teacher and Mayan calendar researcher shares about the Pleiadian Revelations & The Ninth Dimensional Future. We chat about alien connections of the past, the three major astrological alignments of 2021 and what is important for the future. What are the Pleiadians telling us? What are the Cherokee prophecies? What is our […]
166: Is surviving the spike proteins an inside job? w. Ole Dammegard

Is surviving the spike proteins an inside job or is it a divide and conquer scam? With Ole Dammegard: Truth Seeker, Code Breaker and Peacemaker. Ole shares experiences of what happens when you surrender into the inner zone of being. We discuss spike proteins, magnetic arms and links to AI. What does the future hold? […]
165 Divine Conception of Mary and your own Dragons w. Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso Ph.D

Divine Conception of Mary and your own Dragons with Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso Ph.D founder of the Seven Sisters Mystery School and author of The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception: Mary and the Lineage of Virgin Births. She channels new information on Mother Mary, dragons, golden eggs and the importance of laughter. We chat about virgin […]
164 The Missing Links and Lands for our Survival w. Freddy Silva

Bring back The Missing Links and Lands for our Survival with Freddy Silva a leading researcher of ancient civilisations and sacred sites. We travel around the planet to explore the world of the giants, the links to the stars and the Anunnaki. Freddy shares some of the signs and astronomical facts that we are getting […]