163 Steps to Wholistic Solvent Sovereignty w. kenneth scott

Practical Steps to Wholistic Solvent Sovereignty with kenneth scott (AKA Ken Cousens) Co founder of PanTerra D’Oro Private Society and Private Contract Association. Ken describes common law and its history, canon law, ecclesiastic law, commercial law, martial law and different jurisdictions. He walks us through the history of the money system, the importance of solvency […]
160 The Esoteric Approach to Exit the Matrix w. kenneth scott

The Esoteric Approach to Exit the Matrix with Kenneth Scott (AKA Ken Cousens) co-founder of PanTerra D’Oro. A Private Society and Private Contract Association. A deep and meaningful conversation into the various types of laws, tricks and traps of the mainstream approach to sovereignty. He describes the parasitic nature and mirroring of the controlling part […]
155 The mystery of corrupt systems w. :Sebastian.

:Sebastian, a free spirit, rebel and pilot shares about the mystery of corrupt systems. Sebastian discovered the fraudulent system whilst flying. This brought him down the rabbit hole to learn about all the tricks and traps that keep us enslaved. He shares a lot of his experiences and stories from breaking free to live as […]
154 The Mystery of Freedom and Rights w. Wendy Smith

Former Paralympian, trauma specialist & author Wendy Smith shares about the mystery of freedom and rights. Wendy brings us on her journey from a motorcycle accident, her shifts in believes that led to her being part of the Olympics. We wonder and wind around vcines, indoctrination, headucation, pollution, love, water, strawman, sovereign and freedom journey. […]
150 Who is behind the unhidden doors? w. David Icke

David Icke the world known English conspiracy theorist and author is back in the house for our 150th episode to reveal who is behind the unhidden doors. We open the door into the matrix and outline the consciousness of todays ‘real life’ Mr Smith and his handlers. Why do they want to ‘build back better’? […]
148 Jump on the train to Honolulu Baby! w. Ole Dammegård

Ole Dammegård Truth Seeker, Code Breaker and Peacemaker inspires us to jump on the train to Honolulu Baby! Ole shares his experience of the feminine/masculine during childhood and beyond and how the transgender agenda screws things up even more. We chat about looking on the bright side of life despite and because of the One […]
147 Lucifer & Ahriman Parasites Detox Soul-lution w. David Avocado Wolfe

Galactic giggles with David Avocado Wolfe, rock star and Indiana Jones of the superfoods and longevity multiverse, who shares about the Lucifer & Ahriman Parasites Detox Soul-lution. He deep thrives into Rudolf Steiner philosophy and its multifaceted wisdom and future perspectives of the human race. We chat about invincible health, pollution and detoxing on every […]
128 Start fresh with Quantum Grammar w. :Henrik-Kromann: Jensen.

Start fresh with Quantum Grammar. What is it, why is it important and how do we use it? We are joined by :Henrik-Kromann., the Wholylands guru of language, maths and grammar. We nerd into the philosophy and science of it with examples of the hijacking of words. How Quantum Grammar got its flag, why it […]
115 Fear or Freedom w. Wholyland Council

We round up the theme of Freedom with practical steps from the Wholyland Council with a beautiful sound healing meditation and what we each do to overcome fear and step into our freedom. How do you embrace change and the breaking down of structures that you thought were there to support you, but no longer […]
114 Beat the System on its Own Terms w. Cal Washington

From construction worker and a divorce to learning about sovereignty, freedom, law, corporations and beating the system on its own terms Cal Washington is changing the world for the better. He has learnt the rules of the system and is playing them better than they are. Cal shares his amazing story and gives tips on […]