084 Sacred Sexuality Embodied w. Pete Warnock

In todays Live the Impossible Show we chat with Pete Warnock a specialist in tantra, energy and embodiment work. Pete shares his story of sexual disfunction and how he transformed his feelings about himself and overcome this. Now he is passionate about supporting others. We discuss masculine and feminine programming, common problems around sexuality, the […]
082 Make Love Great w. Dr Gayle Friend

We are joined by Dr. Gayle Friend an intimacy expert, author, speaker, and coach as we discover pleasure and intimacy and how to make love great. Gayle shares her intimate story about her failed marriage and what saved her second marriage and how they have kept it pleasurable and juicy. Get her best tips on […]
083 No Sex Sexuality w. Anaiya Sophia & Pete Wilson

We chat with Anaiya Sophia and Pete Wilson on: Is it possible to have no sex sexuality? They share openly on how their sexuality has changed over different stages of their lives and why. Together we dive into the new paradigms of sexuality and learning about love. We go to deep into the dark side […]
080 Wholesome Roleplay of the Sexes w. Robert Lubarski & Camille Rishøj

Wholesome Role-play of the masculine and feminine with Robert Lubarski a sexologist love shaman and Camille Rishøj a psychotherapist. They share openly about their role play as a couple and how they use it in workshops to heal the wounded masculine and feminine and bring out the full power of sacred sexuality. Continue Reading
079 Relax into Sexual Pleasure

It’s time to turn the heat up as we explore the fun, joy and how to’s, to relax into sexual pleasure. Why its important for its health benefits, our life force spark and empowerment. We discuss the purpose of the different feminine and masculine energies and share our own personal stories of relaxing into the […]
074 Transforming Sexual Challenges w. Humita

Humita founder of Passionate Women Inc. chats about how she has transformed her sexual challenges into a full blown life empowerment program for women. She grew up in a beautiful Indian-Surinam family and explains how the cultural taboos and ‘not knowing’ around sexuality made it difficult to understand the problems she was experiencing. Deep personal work has […]
058 Create Empowerment in Boardroom and Bedroom w. Anne Bland

Enjoy Anne Blands intimate story of becoming selflessly happy through sexual satisfaction and seasoning her life. Oliver and Susana chat with Anne about living from our passions and unique genius, living green and sustainable, connected and follow the cycles of nature in our everyday life. Anne share about her life journey as a politician, burn-out […]
034 Corona Virus Immune Boost Tips w. Pam Sherman

In this episode Pam and Susana chat with Pam Sherman the Perfect Balance Guru on the importance of self care, exercise, eating nutritious living food and good fats. These all essentials at any time to boost your immune system and optimise health, but particularly important right now as we experience Covid-19. We also share tips […]